Kelly Knits Blogiversary!
Thursday, 08 July 2010 00:00

I just realized I never had my blogiversary party!  It was actually in March, so i'm starting to get it planned.  I do hope you'll join me for a weekend of fun.  We will have a loom a long, contests and prizes, a scavenger hunt and other fun things.  Want to stay updated on what's happening at KellyKnits? - register to receive an email when the site is updated.


What: blogiversary party!
When: July 22-25th
Why: because it's a fun thing to do! Lots of prizes and fun activities including a scavenger hunt, loom a long, guessing games and puzzles.


I do hope you'll join me. Party will be held on my website by commenting to posts and I'll have a yahoo chat on Friday the 23rd at 6:30 eastern for those who would like to join me. Just add me to your yahoo messenger.

Any questions - just post a comment.

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