Welcome JALC students!  I'm so glad that you're considering taking my Knitting Without Needles - Loom Knitting class!  I invite you to take a look around to see just a small sampling of all the wonderful things that can be made on a loom.

Click here to download a syllabus.

For the class we will be using the new Lil Slim 2-Way adjustable loom from Kiss Looms.  The looms are currently 10% off with the coupon code anniversary.  Some looms will be available on the first day of class to purchase, but please try to order from the website ahead of time. 

If you wish to purchase a loom on the first day of class please post a comment to let me know. 

You will also need to buy some cotton yarn for the first day of class.  You will need additional yarn during the semester but we will discuss that on the first day too.

If you have any questions feel free to send me an email or post a comment to this post.  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Class is now held at Shawnee Alliance for Seniors!!! 


From Marion –
Take Route 13 west, past the Williamson County Airport. Go through the stop lights at Rt. 13 and 148 intersection. Go straight. Take the next turn right. Brick house on corner is cleaning service. After right turn off Rt. 13 onto Briggs Road, immediately turn left onto Flemming Road. Follow Fleming Road west, past the Imaging Center. As the road jogs to the right, go straight into Shawnee Alliance for Seniors parking lot. Continue to end of building. There will be a sign on the door to enter. It will be the 4th glass door.

From Carbondale
Take Route 13 east. Go through the Carterville intersection on Rt. 13. Go past SI Bowl and take the first road left. Turn left off Rt. 13 on to Briggs and immediately turn left onto Fleming Road. Follow Fleming Road west, past the Imaging Center. As the road jogs right, go straight into Shawnee Alliance for Seniors parking lot. Continue to end of buildings. There will be a sign on the door to enter. It will be the 4th glass door.

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