Markman Farm Holiday Pattern Contest 2009 |
Check out the Markman Farm website and yahoo group for more information!
It's that time of year!
The rules are simple:
1-The pattern must be original to you. If you were inspired by another pattern, give that person a mention!
2-Use a Markman Loom for your pattern.
Patterns entered may be given away with List Mom's looms, and will be loomed by group members for their personal enjoyment.
3-Enter your favorite holiday patterns by posting them in our Holiday Pattern Contest File at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Markman_Looms/. Must be a member to post to group.
*We'll have a POLL to vote for your favorites!
*Contest ends 12/04/09 Prizes announced in Loom-n-Chat, date TBA!
Went to a yardale today and ran into the motherload of yarn!!! They had tons of nice stuff, lots of cotton and 100% wool. She had them listed for $.50 and for most and $.25 for some. All said and done I ended up with 81 skeins!!! I am so excited. See all my goodies below. With a quantity discount they ended up around $.25 a piece! Now if I could just figure out what all to use it for. The picture on the right is a closeup of an Italian made yarn that is wool and mohair. Got lots of this in various colors.
Sunday, 23 August 2009 19:54 |
I joined in on the fun activities for the Kiss Looms 2nd Birthday party yesterday. It was a pattern packed evening with new patterns by Robin McCoy, Angel Philipp, Andrea, and a LAL with Anne Bipes. Lots of prizes were given out and fun was had by all! Here is the flower I created on my new Kiss Modular Intro Loom. It's my first project on this loom and I love the way it turned out. Plus it's just a great pattern with lots of applications!
Gettin It Pegged Blogiversary |
Friday, 31 July 2009 11:22 |

Bethany is having her 2nd Blogiversary today (7/31/09). Join us on her webpage for a LAL, prizes and a online yarn hunt. www.gettinitpegged.com!

Thanks Bethany for a great time! I can wait to get my goodies and make more Scrubby O's! Such a neat, quick project and great for gifts. Make sure you visit www.gettinitpegged.com for the pattern.
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