Thanksgiving 2010
Monday, 22 November 2010 09:29

This week I'd like to share what i'm thankful for, feel free to leave a comment with what you are thankful for too.

This week at church we were talking about being thankful for the "little" things as well as the big. I've been thinking a lot about this because of my son. When we ask him what he's thankful for he says things like "doors, light, stuffed animals, mama's blanket (!), cooking pots and camp fires. This child-like thankfulness is what we should all have. After all, I'm pretty thankful we have doors too! :)

Make sure to take time out to really be grateful for all that you have, even when you don't have much, you have much more than you think! From the lyrics of one of my favorite songs: "And now the poor stand and confess that my portion is Him and I'm more than blessed." You can here the song here if you'd like, it's very beautiful. 

So this week i'm grateful for my loving family, that we get along (most of the time), that the health problems a few have been having are healed. That we have a home that is warm in the winter and cool in the summer and that we have have food to eat. I thank God for my knitting, as I know it is truly a gift from him and all the wonderful friends that have been brought into my life through it.  I'm so amazed that i've been blessed to be a stay at home mom and watch this little boy grow into a strong, faithful, incredible little guy every day.  I'm blessed by my hubby who works so hard to make this happen - without him also it would not be possible.  I'm thankful for all the many men and women, past and present, who have provided a safe country for me to live in, from our military, police, firefighters and so many others.  And yes, i'm thankful for doors and light and stuffed animals too! :)

I pray that all of you are richly blessed this holiday and that you have time out to appreciate what it is all about.


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