Projects & Photos
Cable Knit Slipper Socks

These are Cable Knit Slipper socks from Isela Phelps' book Loom Knitting Primer.  They were done on the blue round Knifty Knitter.  Here is a closeup of the cables.

Two Tone Children's Scarf

Acrylic yarn children's scarf knit double stranded on the large gauge purple long Knifty Knitter loom.  The brown/white was one strand of each color.










Knitted Bunny

Bunny in yellow acrylic yarn from Anne Bipes Bunny pattern (  Knit on the large gauge round Knifty Knitter loom.

Autumn Inspiration Afghan

Knit as a double knit fabric with right and left twists on one side of the board to create the pattern.  Knit in Vanna's Choice yarns, autumn print, linen and honey on the 28" fine gauge Authentic Knitting Board.  Pattern from AJ's Baby Blanket designed by Connie Mauger.

Baby Block

This is a stuffed baby block I made for my son a while back.  It was made in 6 pieces then sewn together and stuffed.  You could also use a piece of square foam to fill it for a sturdier block. 

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