Loom Knitting for Little People |

I wanted to share with you about a book my good friend Bethany is getting ready to release. It's called Loom Knitting for Little People. It has 33 absolutely amazing projects all geared towards kids! I can't think of a better subject for our knitting projects then kids! I do hope you'll hope on over to Kickstarter to see what this new book is all about. I promise - you won't be disappointed! Bethany has the neatest ideas and best written patterns that you could hope for.
Head on over to Kickstarter to participate in all the fun…
You can:
pre-order your signed copy of the book…and lots of other goodies including a tutorial DVD! (you won’t be charged until August 4th)
view a video with yours truly about the ideas and goals behind the book
get a sneak peak of many of the projects included!
help get this (self published) publication off the ground by your pledge.
The last month has been very busy indeed! I attended the Hoosier Hills Fiberarts Festival in Franklin, Indiana as a vendor for Kiss Looms. The event was a great success, although very hot! Several of us got to meet up again and spend some time looming together, it was a lot of fun. The shopping was great too! I purchased some pretty sock yarn in melon colors of green and orange, some bulky two tone alpaca yarn in browns and some more browns in a worsted weight. We are looking into attending the Greencastle Fiber Event in Indiana next year if there are still slots open. Stay tuned for more info about this event April 2012.
I also attended a class on yarn dyeing. It was my first time doing this but I think i'm hooked. I love the way my yarn came out - I used 3 colors for one and 2 for the other. Here is a pic of it drying out. We used acid dyes for this project and I would like to try Kool Aid and natural dyes for my next time around. This also took care of one of my goals for this year!!!!
I've started looming a few more projects lately. I'm really in to washcloths right now and have several friends who are also pregnant so I plan on doing up a bunch to give as gifts. Here are a few that i've done so far.
Oh My - Where has the Time Gone! |
I can't believe it's almost the end of March!!! Wow...what a whirlwind of a year so far. I'm also late for my blogiversary party too! I'll plan it soon! So much going on right now.
I'm finally feeling well enough to knit a little and find myself working on a few UFO projects like my Wavy Water Shawl by Anke Van Doorne and a scarf for my son. I'm getting pretty close on the wavy water shawl now - I estimate 3 more skeins. They are pretty small so it goes fast once I get going. I've also designed a sock pattern - Andalusian Rib Sock. Take a look for the free pattern in the patterns section. I've also finally posted my guitar scarf pattern! I know many of you were waiting on that one!
I have two other pretty big patterns that I hope to complete by the end of the year to post. One is for a bag and the other for a summer shirt - can't give you more details now - it's a secret! I know you'll love them though. See the picture for a yarn peek at the projects.
Have any patterns you'd like to see? Give me a comment and maybe i'll work on your idea!
Thanks for following along!
I'd also like to invite you to my friend Helen's website! She has now been selling her beautifully hand dyed, home spun yarn and roving for almost a year now! If you've not seen her site before she has the most amazing yarn and is masterful hand dyer. I would love to have some of her yarn soon, it's been on my want list for a long time now. Check out Helen's site and her special contest going on. To go to her Folksy Shop click here.
since I've posted. There has been a lot going on lately! I found out in January that I'm having a baby! While that is a great, exciting thing I also get very very sick during pregnancy, so I've not felt much like doing anything. Hopefully only a few more months of being sick before I can enjoy this time more.
In the meantime, I've not really been knitting all that much! That's a huge change for me. I'm starting to feel a little better and hope to be knitting more and more as I feel like it.
Right now I'm focusing on finishing a somewhat long term UFO. So that's good news! It's the Wavy Water Shawl from Loom Class group last year. I'm making pretty good progress on it and just love the way the yarn color is coming out - take a look on the right. I plan to also start another pair of socks for my son in the next few days. Hope to get these done by the weekend!
In other good news, I have had lots of pattern ideas come to me over the past few months, so I hope to work on those sometime this year. I think you'll like what I've come up with!
Looking forward to spring and sunshine and flowers, and of course, more knitting outdoors! I love to take my knitting out on the porch swing and really relax. So here's to warmer weather, better health, and lots of knitting.
Wow, what a year! Goals for this year include:
1. Knit mittens - i've never done this before, it's about time ;) I'm going to start with Bethany's Warm Woolies. I just fell in love with these and have wanted to make them since last year.
2. Finish the tunica that Anke taught in 2009 in Loom Class! This is one of my long term UFO's. My son picked out the yarn for me and I'd really like to finish it. I'm a little more than 1/4 done on the first side.
3. Have another retreat. I had so much fun at the other two retreats that i'd love to do it again.
4. I have a knit shirt design in my head that I really want to knit up. If I can start this early it would be perfect to enter in the 5 piece set contest for Project Yarnway. I already have the yarn too, just need to start knitting.
5. Teach another loom knitting class.

6. Spin some of my own yarn! Really excited about learning how to do this with a drop spindle.
7. Dye some of my own yarn. Never tried this before either and it looks like fun.
8. Knit fine gauge socks for me :) I've only finished small ones for Isaiah so far.
What are your goals this year?
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